
Abshot Osteopathy Policies

  • Complaints and Complaints Procedure
  • Privacy Policy including Data Protection
  • ​Covid 19 Policy, Procedures and Risk Assessment
Complaints Policy

​The Clinic aims to ensure that the whole community feels happy and secure in their work or treatment and in all contacts with us. There is an awareness, however, that things can go wrong and therefore we welcomes suggestions and comments from patients, parents/carers and staff. We take seriously any complaints and concerns that may arise. Many concerns that patients, parents/carers and staff have do not necessarily call for complaint, but should still be brought to the clinic’s attention. Help can only be given about issues that are known.  This policy is made available to the patients, parents/carers and staff through the clinic website or a hard copy if requested. It is applicable to all patients, parents/carers and staff in the clinic.

Concern – Defined
A concern is likely to require discussion, perhaps involving a clinician, patients, parents/carers and staff, and it is hoped that it can be resolved quickly by such a discussion and appropriate action. A concern is dealt with through the normal daily structures of the Clinic. If this does not resolve the concern then it could become a complaint.

Complaint – Defined
A complaint will be treated as an expression of genuine dissatisfaction, which needs a response and is likely to arise when there are issues related to physical or emotional well-being, or over security, or when the Clinic’s stated aims or values are being ignored.

A breach of the law will always constitute a complaint.

Any matter about which patients, parents/carers or staff is unhappy and seeks action by the clinic is now a complaint.

The Practice Manager will be informed of all complaints and their outcome. A written record is kept of all formal complaints, and whether they are resolved at the preliminary stages or proceed to a further stage.

Complaints Procedure 

The clinic will endeavour to deal with complaints within a reasonable time and in a courteous and efficient way and, where appropriate, will take action.

It is the clinic’s policy that complaints should not ever rebound on the person making the complaint.

Stage 1 – Informal
Wherever possible it is best to raise an issue face to face with the person most closely concerned with the matter. Please make an appointment with the person concerned to allow for a suitable period of time to be available to discuss the issues fully. This normally results in the matter being resolved immediately and often to your satisfaction. You will not be charged for an appointment.

You may ask for a meeting with a senior member of staff to raise your concern and again the matter will normally be resolved quickly to both parties’ satisfaction. In this instance the time frame to manage the complaint will be immediate and feedback will be verbal providing that a satisfactory outcome has been achieved.

Stage 2 – Formal
If your complaint cannot be satisfactorily dealt with on an informal basis, you may make a    more formal complaint in writing and the clinic will:

  • Acknowledge your complaint in writing within five working day
  • Inform you how the matter will be dealt with and how matters will proceed
  • Carry out any necessary investigations.
  • Send a letter to explain the conclusion to you, along with reasons for it and any action being taken or proposed.

Your complaint or concern will remain confidential and all information treated with respect. Knowledge of it will be limited to the Practice Manager and those directly involved.

We cannot rule out the possibility of the need to make third parties outside the clinic aware of the complaint and possibly the identities of those involved. This would only be likely to be necessary where a patient or child’s safety is involved or an illegal act has occurred. You will be kept fully informed where appropriate.

Whilst information relating to specific complaints will be kept confidentially on file, we are unlikely to be able to pursue anonymous complaints.

Action, which needs to be taken under staff disciplinary procedures as a result of complaints, will be handled confidentially within clinic.

A complaint of this nature should normally be managed within fourteen working days. (Occasionally clinic holiday periods or exceptional circumstances may lead to a longer period being required, not longer than twenty eight days)

Stage 3 – Independent investigation
If your concern has still not been satisfied you may wish to seek independent legal advice. You may also contact The Governing body of the clinician involved.  A list of these bodies and their contact details will be available from the clinic.

If a child is at risk
If a child appears to be at risk, the clinic’s safeguarding policy and guidelines will be followed, as will, the guidelines of the appropriate local authority safeguarding board.  In these cases both the parent and relevant staff will work with the clinic’s Safeguarding Officer, Mrs Karen Ramsay.

Written records, statements and correspondence relating to individual complaints will be kept confidential except where an official body conducting an inspection request access to them.

This record will state whether the complaint was resolved at a preliminary stage or progressed to a panel and will be kept for a minimum of three years. All complaints that reach a formal written stage will be recorded in the summary log kept in the Practice Manager’s office. This log will be made available to inspectors from appropriate bodies.

Hannah Ramsay
H B Osteopathy
August 2020

Privacy Policy

​As primary Allied Healthcare Practitioners, Osteopaths take data protection and confidentiality issues very seriously. This Privacy Policy outlines what personal information we collect about you, how we collect it, and how it is used and stored.
Information we collect
We may collect and process the following data about you:

  • Contact and other personal information you provide when booking appointments online or on the telephone.
  • Information about your current and historical health and lifestyle, for the purpose of making informed clinical decisions and providing safe, effective treatment. This information is collected by your Osteopath verbally at a face to face appointment.
  • Information from surveys that we may use for research purposes, although you do not have to respond to them.

How your data will be used
Your data may be used for:

  • Email appointment confirmations and text reminders, to help you remember your appointments.
  • Emailing you personalised exercise plans or other relevant health advice.
  • Accounting, billing and payment card verification.
  • Emailing you about changes to our service.
  • Occasional newsletters and marketing promotions. You will be asked at your first appointment whether you are happy to receive such communications. You can also opt out at any time by letting your Osteopath know.
  • Anonymised patient health data may be used by us or third party academic research organisations for research purposes.

Confidentiality is a legal requirement of Osteopaths, and it is of paramount importance that our patients can trust us with their information. We therefore ensure that:

  • Paper-based patient records and information are stored securely in a locked filing cabinet when not in use.
  • Electronic information is stored using specialist medical records software Cliniko, who have assured us that they are fully GDPR compliant. Access to this data is password protected, and passwords are changed regularly.
  • Practitioners and reception staff only view patient information they need to see.
  • We keep confidential who visits our practice, where they live, the date and times of their
    appointments and any other personal or medical details.

Will your data be shared with anyone?
We will not share your data with anyone who does not need access without your written consent.*
Only the following people/agencies will have routine access to your data:

  • Your Osteopath in order that they can provide you with treatment and schedule appointments.
  • The online medical records service Cliniko who store and process our patient files. 
  • Administrative staff, such as our receptionist  who may have access to contact details, but not medical notes.

*Only in the extremely rare instance of a legal order, or where with-holding data may pose a serious safety risk, would data ever be shared without your consent.
COVID-19 UPDATE: Whilst the government’s ‘Track and Trace’ scheme is operating, we may be contacted to provide data (name, phone number and email address) of people, including patients, who we have been in close contact with. In this situation, the Information Commissioner and government have confirmed that public health interest takes priority over your GDPR data protection rights. We will therefore be obliged to release this information.

How long will your data be retained?
Osteopaths have a legal obligation to retain patient records for 8 years after their most recent appointment, or in the case of children until they reach 25 years of age (See the Osteopathic Practice Standards). After these time periods, personal data and medical notes will be destroyed.

Who is Responsible for Data Protection?
Hannah Ramsay (Principal Osteopath) is responsible for data protection at The Osteopathy and Injury Management Centre. H B Osteopathy trading as H B Osteopathy at The Osteopathy and Imjury Management Centre is registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).  If you have any concerns about how we handle your data, please contact Hannah Ramsay: Hbosteopathy.com  / 07908415376. If you are not satisfied with our response, then you have the right to raise the matter with the ICO.

Hannah Ramsay
H B Osteopathy
August 2020

Covid 19 Appointment Policy

June 2022 update

As of 1st June 2022 we are no longer required to wear face masks in the clinic. However, if you would like your practitioner to wear PPE whilst you are in the treatment room pease let us know. The Covid 19 routine clean down of the room between patients remain the same.

August 2020

Prior to booking an initial appointment:

  • Patients are required to complete a Covid 19 and screening questionnaire, the results of which are recorded on the Cliniko administrative system. The Osteopath will make a clinical judgement as to whether a patient can be seen 1:1
  • Patients are made aware that there are risks associated with a 1:1 appointment and the procedures in place to reduce the risks.
  • Patients are made aware that it is their responsibility to inform the clinic if anything changes with regard to their Covid 19 symptoms prior to any appointment.
  • Patients are asked to wear a face covering and to bring 2 towels with them to the appointment.

For the appointment

  • Patients are asked to wait in their car until the time of their appointment.
  • Patients are required to wear a face covering for the whole period of their consultation.
  • Hand sanitiser is provided for use on arrival and departure.
  • Patients will have their temperature  checked prior to consultation, if it is high patients will be asked to leave and the appointment rescheduled.
  • Patients own towels are uses or clean towels are provided and laundered after each use.
  • Cards payments are preferred, but cash can be used if necessary.
  • Any pens or pin pads used are cleaned after use by each patient.
  • Patients are encouraged to scan the NHS Track and Trace QR code.

Staff precautions and protection

  • Your Osteopath will be wearing the required PPE.
  • The receptionist will be wearing a face mask.
  • 15 minutes will be left clear between each patient to clean down and doors opened to ventilate the consulting room.
  • The door handles,  reception surfaces, pens and pin pad are all wiped with a disinfectant wipe between patients.
  • 2m distancing is observed where practicable unless full PPE is worn.

Covid 19 Risk Assessment
The Osteopathy and Injury Management Centre has carried out a risk assessment which is available for you to see on request. The risk assessment, and resulting procedures are reviewed regularly and updated with reference to government and the Institute of Osteopathy guidelines.

Hannah Ramsay MOst (Hons)
HB Osteopathy
March 2020, August 2020, October 2020, January 2021