Pregnancy is one of the most significant changes a woman’s body goes through. As well as her body’s shape altering dramatically, there are also physiological changes. For instance, increased hormones can cause ligaments to loosen. These factors lead to postural changes, joint strain and altered fluid movement around the body. As a result, pregnant women often experience:
- Back and neck pain
- PGP (pelvic girdle pain) or SPD (symphysis pubis dysfunction)
- Hip and knee pain
- Sciatica
Osteopathy provides safe, gentle hands-on treatment which can alleviate pain, helping the body to adapt more comfortably to changes experienced during pregnancy. In addition, regular osteopathic treatment leading up to labour, is a good way to help the body cope with, and recover from the physical and psychological challenges ahead.
Post Natal
Following birth, a woman’s body will slowly return to its normal form. However, underlying changes in supporting muscles and joints, particularly around the pelvis, can make her more vulnerable to back pain. In addition, becoming a mum presents a whole set of new stresses: post-birth exhaustion, lack of sleep, lifting heavy car-seats and breast-feeding posture to name a few. Osteopathy can help resolve aches and pains, women commonly experience after giving birth, ensuring that those early years can be enjoyed to the fullest.
Janine Norris our new Associate Osteopath is particularly interested in women’s health and has experience treating pre and post-natal women. She is also knowledgeable in nutrition and promoting the benefits of diet, exercise and lifestyle in preparation for labour.
If you would like an informal chat or to book a consultation please do call or message 07908 415376and we will do what we can to help.
Hannah Ramsay
Principal Osteopath